Deltina Coffee Roasters

Restaurants and Bars: Coffee Shops
Oceano: Everyday from 7AM to 2PM
SLO: Everday from 8AM to 4PM
About Us
Deltina Coffee Roasters is a coffee roaster and espresso bar located in Oceano, California, on iconic Highway One. We feature organic, specialty coffee beans roasted in small-batches to achieve unique and consistent flavors. Located minutes from the Oceano Dunes and Pismo State Beach, we have whole bean coffee available for purchase on-site as well as other coffee related products and goodies. Want to try our coffee? Swing by for a cup of drip or a latte and enjoy the sunshine out on our patio.
We recently opened a second cafe located at 1340 Taft St. San Luis Obispo, CA. Come check us out when you are in the area!
We are also a wholesale supplier of roasted coffee to restaurants, coffee shops, offices, etc. Looking to implement a coffee program at your place of business? Email us at
Aren't local but want to give us a try? We have an online store that ships to all 50 states. Visit and have coffee delivered to your house!