MCSC Women's Business Center

Business Services
Monday-Thursday, 9:00-5:00pm
Friday 8:00-4:00pm
About Us
The Women's Business Center serving San Luis Obispo County is a full-service, technical assistance and training resource for entrepreneurs of all stages, and our services are free. Special focus is directed to underserved, low-to-moderate income, minority women. Our workshops, 12-week training courses and consulting are available in both English and Spanish. In 2021-22, we trained and counseled 501 clients and held 133 classes focused on all aspects of running a business. 388 unique businesses were started by our clients and 545 jobs were created and/or retained, contributing to the vibrancy of our local economy. As a CA Dream Fund provider in 2022, we assisted 37 clients throughout the county in receiving a total of $250,000 to strengthen and grow their businesses.